Saturday, February 5, 2011

Tsagaan Sar - the Lunar New Year. This holiday ushers in the promise of spring - greetings include inquiries about one's winter, and anticipation of spring. It began the evening of February 2 with family dinners and fireworks. The next days are devoted to greeting. Younger people travel to the homes of older relatives and friends for greeting ceremonies and conversations. My colleague Tseveen invited Odgerel and I to his ger on Saturday. What a treat - to be able to participate in this ritual.

In Tseveen's ger: Tseveen, Odgerel - my colleague and interpreter - and me, seated at the table which has the traditional biscuit, the sheep (with tail) and assorted other food and drink.

Teacher Greeting Day: On Sunday morning, all teachers in our school gathered to enact a formal greeting ceremony. Each one is greeted, snuff bottles exchanged, airag and vodka imbibed, and a general atmosphere of happiness and joy that spring is imminent is shared.

To the right: This is the greeting that was held in the Presidents' quarters. It is a beautiful round table, and all the schools were encouraged to come to this greeting site.

Below: Pictures from the teacher greeting in our school, both in the Dean's Office, and then in individual offices. This was a wonderful day. The ceremonial aspects are very respectful of the elders, and very collegial. Many people were in traditional dress, and all were welcoming

This is my colleague, Oyunaa. She is in the Human Sciences department, and the wonderful new friend who met me at the airport. She teaches English.

Serving the infamous airag - fermented mare's milk! Slightly alcoholic, but very important for special days and celebrations.

Left: greeting my colleague, Oyunaa. She is in my department. Note the blue scarf and that her arms are under mine - signifying I am older! Right: my colleague, Amaraa. She is in the Math and Science department.

For anyone who might want a more extensive explanation of the celebration of Tsagaan Sar, the following website is helpful.

1 comment:

  1. Awesome - thanks for the updates. Beautiful clothing and wonderful expience for you . . . and us. Stay warm!
